Our consultants conduct a thorough business development audit of the clients current business model and identifies new areas of growth and opportunity - all without disrupting the core business.
Using our Business Development Asset Audit (“BD2A) , our team identifies new opportunities and creates new to-go-market strategies to enable our clients to build business momentum in new directions. Throughout the engagement, we work with client management to recognize underutilized assets and processes within the enterprise that are often overlooked or taken for granted by internal stakeholders.
Oftentimes, we unearth a business’s forgotten jewels and brings forth their brilliance so shine again as the center in a new channel for opportunity.
We develop actionable plans to drive your business towards greater success.
Using the insight uncovered in the BD2A discovery process, the Opportunity Matrix (tm) create a visual roadmap to new opportunities, which allow management to identify the best path to jumpstart a new program that leverages current business strengths, thereby decreasing risk.
Managing Change:
Our consultants are with you through every step of discovery, design, creation, and support of your firms new direction. We manage the plan’s execution and help leadership overcome the challenges often encountered when implementing organizational change.
Our Opportunity Matrix™ takes the guess work out of developing new business.
Our Opportunity Matrix™ takes the guess work out of developing new business.
Unlike other consulting groups that leave you behind, Centropy Group consultants work hard to maintain the energy, motion and momentum we created by immersing ourselves in the sales and market development efforts as evangelists for your products and services. As experienced coaches and mentors, we can be on-hand to help management and staff adapt and embrace the new momentum created when an organization creates new centropy…
Customized Business Strategy
Innovative Proprietary Process
In order to be effective, our first initiatives include evaluating and internalizing the corporate assets, culture and key employee base. Once we are able to assess the skills and competency of the current stakeholders that are responsible for delivering the current business model, Centropy Group answers the following questions:
✓ Where does creativity come into play? | ✓ Where does vision play a role in new opportunities? | |
✓ How empowered are the individuals to make things happen? | ✓ Do the players in the company subscribe to that vision? | |
✓ Is there support from the top? | ✓ How is the current business climate changing? | |
✓ Is the lead visionary the CEO? | ✓ Is the competition in front or behind |
An initial assessment of a client's current business model often reveals new areas for growth and prosperity. Clients work with our team to flush out a snapshot of today's business while seeking for "hidden" opportunities to identify new strategic direction.
After we look on the inside and understand the client, we then look to the market and understand where the client sits in the competitive landscape.
✓ Where is your company in relation to its competitors? | ✓ How can technology enhance the product that you offer your clients? | |
✓ What are the limiting factors that suppress growth in your core business? | ✓ What are your best customers not telling you about their business needs? | |
✓ Where are your key products in their life cycle? |
Traditional marketing and sales logic dictates that companies emphasize their efforts on building on the current initiatives, whether they are good or bad. Change is difficult, new ideas are often met with resistance among both internal and external stakeholders. Centropy Group helps its clients make strategic changes in the sales and marketing approach to their business, by accessing all aspects of the competitive landscape, as well as going direct to the source of business—the customer—and asking the important questions to initiate new directives that meet the client's most important needs.
Centropy Group starts its process at the core of our client's business, the tangible business development assets of the company. From these building blocks, we assemble new business models and value propositions to help our clients launch in new directions. Audits reveal the need to begin revitalizing and repurposing such assets as: internal processes (e.g. telesales, manufacturing, etc.), reputation in the market, product leadership, management skills, market efficiencies, client base, client reputation, supply chain efficiencies, talent pool, market reach, scalability, technology (hardware and software), physical plant capacity, etc.
Intangible assets such as industry know how, market heritage, core process expertise, marquis client relationships are all integral building blocks that can be combined and crafted to create new and exciting business development initiatives.
Often times, a deep dive into a client's business asset pool yields new visions of how to come up with old gold that can be spun into new revenues from opportunities that materialize from these effects. Centropy Group's Hidden Asset Transformation™ guides the client through a process of rediscovering and repositioning the company's jewels into new and meaningful ways.
Centropy Group guides the discovery process from Market Development/Idea Generation stage through the Business Development Asset Audit, to then create an Opportunity Matrix™—a road map and decision tree for developing new business.
Working from the current base of assets, we can eventually jump start a new business development process because the company is already intimate with the existing products and services. Costs are already invested in current assets, thereby providing less pressure on new venture funding or development to get started.
Using this tool, Centropy Group guides its clients in a focused, targeted way to build new channels of opportunity.
The concept of "centropy" is built on a basis of energy, motion and positive momentum. Unlike other consulting firms that provide research and guidance but leave the "heavy lifting" to the client when new opportunities are identified, Centropy Group goes the next step and "walks the talk" by working directly with our clients in new sales and market development efforts. Centropy Group's team of expert sales technicians often set the pace for driving new sales and new concepts into a new market.
Delivering measurable tangible new revenue from new opportunities, along with:
✓ Lower market entry costs | ✓ Faster time to market | |
✓ Lower market entry costs | ✓ Internal Operating Leverage = Increase in Rv/ROI or revitalized return on assets |
If you'd like help with your five steps to success in your business please reach out to us on the form below to get more information.
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